Conquering the PSPDFKit(GdPicture14) Conundrum: Convert Office Chart to PDF Chart with Secondary Axis
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Conquering the PSPDFKit(GdPicture14) Conundrum: Convert Office Chart to PDF Chart with Secondary Axis

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Are you tired of struggling to convert Office charts to PDF charts using PSPDFKit(GdPicture14), only to find that the secondary axis is missing in action? Fear not, dear reader, for we’ve got you covered! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of chart conversions and provide you with the solutions you need to conquer this pesky issue.

Understanding the Problem

Before we dive into the solution, let’s first understand the problem at hand. When converting Office charts to PDF charts using PSPDFKit(GdPicture14), the secondary axis often gets lost in translation. This can be a major issue, especially if your chart is heavily reliant on the secondary axis to convey meaningful information.

But why does this happen? The reason lies in the way PSPDFKit(GdPicture14) handles chart conversions. By default, the library is not configured to preserve the secondary axis, leading to its disappearance in the resulting PDF chart.

The Solution: Editing the GdPicture14 Configuration

Luckily, the solution is relatively straightforward. To preserve the secondary axis, you’ll need to edit the GdPicture14 configuration before performing the chart conversion.

Here’s an example of how you can do this in C#:

using GdPicture14;

// Create a new instance of the GdPicture14 converter
GdPictureConverter converter = new GdPictureConverter();

// Load the Office chart document
converter.LoadFromFile("input.docx", true);

// Get the chart object
GdPictureChart chart = converter.GetChart(0);

// Configure the chart to preserve the secondary axis
chart.Options.Chart.Export.PreserveSecondaryAxis = true;

// Convert the chart to PDF
converter.SaveToFile("output.pdf", true);

By setting the `PreserveSecondaryAxis` property to `true`, you’re telling GdPicture14 to include the secondary axis in the PDF chart conversion.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

While editing the GdPicture14 configuration should resolve the issue, you may still encounter some common problems. Let’s troubleshoot them together!

Issue 1: The Secondary Axis is Still Missing

If the secondary axis is still not appearing in your PDF chart, double-check that you’ve set the `PreserveSecondaryAxis` property to `true`. Also, ensure that the Office chart document is properly loaded and the chart object is correctly retrieved.

Issue 2: The PDF Chart is Distorted

If the resulting PDF chart appears distorted or misaligned, it may be due to the chart’s original dimensions. Try setting the `Export.Chart.Size` property to a fixed value, such as `chart.Options.Chart.Export.Size = new SizeF(800, 600);`.

Issue 3: The Secondary Axis is Not Properly Aligned

If the secondary axis is not properly aligned with the primary axis, you may need to adjust the `Chart.Options.Chart.Export.AxisAlignment` property. For example, you can set it to `AxisAlignment.TwoAxesAligned` to align the secondary axis with the primary axis.

Best Practices for Converting Office Charts to PDF Charts

To ensure a smooth chart conversion process, follow these best practices:

  • Use the latest version of GdPicture14 to ensure compatibility with the latest Office chart formats.

  • Make sure the Office chart document is properly loaded and the chart object is correctly retrieved.

  • Configure the GdPicture14 converter to preserve the secondary axis, as shown in the example above.

  • Set a fixed size for the PDF chart export to maintain consistency and prevent distortion.

  • Test the resulting PDF chart to ensure the secondary axis is properly preserved and aligned.


In conclusion, converting Office charts to PDF charts using PSPDFKit(GdPicture14) can be a breeze as long as you’re aware of the potential pitfalls. By editing the GdPicture14 configuration to preserve the secondary axis and following best practices, you’ll be well on your way to creating PDF charts that are both visually appealing and informative.

Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Use your newfound knowledge wisely, and happy chart-converting!

Property Description
`PreserveSecondaryAxis` Specifies whether to preserve the secondary axis in the PDF chart conversion.
`Export.Chart.Size` Sets the fixed size for the PDF chart export.
`Chart.Options.Chart.Export.AxisAlignment` Specifies the alignment of the secondary axis with the primary axis.

By now, you should be a master of converting Office charts to PDF charts with PSPDFKit(GdPicture14). If you have any further questions or need additional guidance, feel free to ask in the comments below!

Happy coding, and don’t forget to share this article with your friends and colleagues who may be struggling with the same issue!

  1. Download the GdPicture14 SDK and start converting your Office charts to PDF charts today!

  2. Explore the GdPicture14 documentation for more information on chart conversion and configuration.

  3. Check out our other tutorials and guides on chart conversion and PDF processing.

Here are the 5 Questions and Answers about “PSPDFKit(GdPicture14) convert office chart to pdf chart issue with secondary axis on the chart”:

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the inside scoop on troubleshooting PSPDFKit(GdPicture14) conversion issues with office charts to PDF charts, especially when it comes to secondary axes.

Why does the secondary axis disappear when I convert an office chart to a PDF chart using PSPDFKit(GdPicture14)?

This issue might occur due to the limitations of the PSPDFKit(GdPicture14) conversion engine. One possible reason is that the secondary axis is not properly defined in the source office chart. Try re-creating the chart with a properly defined secondary axis and then convert it to PDF using PSPDFKit(GdPicture14).

How can I preserve the secondary axis formatting when converting an office chart to a PDF chart using PSPDFKit(GdPicture14)?

To preserve the secondary axis formatting, ensure that you’re using the latest version of PSPDFKit(GdPicture14). Additionally, try setting the `chart.ScalingMode` property to `ScalingMode.BestFit` or `ScalingMode.FitToWidth` to maintain the original chart layout and formatting, including the secondary axis.

What are some common reasons why the secondary axis is not converted correctly when using PSPDFKit(GdPicture14)?

Some common reasons for incorrect secondary axis conversion include: incorrect axis labeling, mismatched axis scales, or incorrect axis positioning. Check your source office chart for these potential issues and adjust accordingly before converting to PDF using PSPDFKit(GdPicture14).

Can I customize the secondary axis appearance when converting an office chart to a PDF chart using PSPDFKit(GdPicture14)?

Yes, you can customize the secondary axis appearance by using the `ChartAxis` class in PSPDFKit(GdPicture14). You can set properties such as `Title`, `LabelFormat`, and `LineColor` to adjust the appearance of the secondary axis.

What are some best practices for ensuring accurate secondary axis conversion when using PSPDFKit(GdPicture14)?

To ensure accurate secondary axis conversion, use a clear and concise axis title, ensure consistent axis labeling and scaling, and avoid overlapping axis elements. Additionally, test your chart conversion using different PSPDFKit(GdPicture14) settings and versions to ensure compatibility.

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