How to Show One Figure in a Loop in Python: A Step-by-Step Guide
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How to Show One Figure in a Loop in Python: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you tired of cluttering your console with multiple figures while running a Python script in a loop? Do you want to know the secret to showcasing a single figure in a loop, making your output more organized and easy to comprehend? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the process of displaying one figure in a loop in Python, using various libraries and techniques.

Understanding the Problem

When working with data visualization in Python, it’s common to use libraries like Matplotlib, Seaborn, or Plotly to create plots and charts. However, when you’re working within a loop, these libraries often display multiple figures, making it challenging to analyze and understand the results. This is where the problem arises: how do you show only one figure in a loop, while still maintaining the iteration process?

Solution 1: Using Matplotlib’s clf() Function

One of the most straightforward ways to show one figure in a loop is by using Matplotlib’s clf() function, which stands for “clear figure.” This function clears the current figure, allowing you to overwrite it with the next iteration’s data.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

for i in range(5):
    plt.plot([i, i**2, i**3])
    plt.title(f"Figure {i}")

In this example, we’re creating a simple loop that generates three plots for each iteration. The clf() function is called after, effectively clearing the figure for the next iteration. This results in only one figure being displayed at a time.

Solution 2: Using Matplotlib’s ion() and ioff() Functions

Another approach is to use Matplotlib’s ion() and ioff() functions, which stand for “interactive on” and “interactive off,” respectively. By turning interactive mode on and off, you can control when the figure is displayed.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


for i in range(5):
    plt.plot([i, i**2, i**3])
    plt.title(f"Figure {i}")
    plt.pause(1)  # pause for 1 second
    plt.cla()  # clear the axes


In this example, we’re using ion() to turn on interactive mode, which allows us to update the plot in real-time. We then use draw() and pause() to display the plot for a short period before clearing the axes with cla(). Finally, we turn off interactive mode with ioff() and display the final plot using show().

Using Seaborn’s set() Function

Seaborn is another popular data visualization library in Python, and it provides an easy way to show one figure in a loop using its set() function.

import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

for i in range(5):
    sns.lineplot(data=[i, i**2, i**3])
    plt.title(f"Figure {i}")

In this example, we’re using Seaborn’s set() function to reset the plot parameters before each iteration. This ensures that only one figure is displayed at a time, with the previous figure being cleared using clr().

Using Plotly’s iplot() Function

Plotly is an interactive visualization library that allows you to create complex, web-based plots. To show one figure in a loop using Plotly, you can use its iplot() function.

import plotly.graph_objects as go

for i in range(5):
    fig = go.Figure(data=[go.Scatter(x=[i, i**2, i**3])])
    fig.update_layout(title=f"Figure {i}")

In this example, we’re creating a Plotly figure object within the loop and updating its layout with a title. The show() function is then used to display the figure, which will be replaced by the next iteration’s figure.

Best Practices and Considerations

When working with loops and data visualization in Python, it’s essential to keep in mind a few best practices and considerations:

  • Use meaningful figure titles and labels: Clearly label your figures and axes to ensure that your output is easy to understand.
  • Optimize your loop for performance: If you’re working with large datasets, optimize your loop to reduce computation time and memory usage.
  • Use interactive mode wisely: Interactive mode can be useful for quick prototyping, but it may not be suitable for production environments.
  • Consider using animation libraries: If you need to display multiple figures in a loop, consider using animation libraries like Matplotlib’s FuncAnimation or Plotly’s animation features.


In conclusion, showing one figure in a loop in Python can be achieved using various libraries and techniques. By understanding the problem and applying the solutions outlined in this guide, you’ll be able to create more organized and easy-to-comprehend data visualizations. Remember to follow best practices and consider the specific requirements of your project when working with loops and data visualization in Python.

Matplotlib’s clf() Clears the current figure, allowing you to overwrite it with the next iteration’s data.
Matplotlib’s ion() and ioff() Control when the figure is displayed by turning interactive mode on and off.
Seaborn’s set() Resets the plot parameters before each iteration, ensuring only one figure is displayed.
Plotly’s iplot() Displays the figure and updates it with the next iteration’s data.

By mastering the techniques outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to creating stunning data visualizations that effectively communicate your insights to your audience.

Frequently Asked Question

When it comes to Python, one of the most popular questions among beginners is how to display a single figure in a loop. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

How do I display a single figure in a Python loop using matplotlib?

To display a single figure in a Python loop using matplotlib, you can use the plt.ion() function to enable interactive mode, and then use to display the figure. This will update the figure in real-time as the loop iterates.

What if I want to clear the previous figure before displaying the new one in the loop?

To clear the previous figure before displaying the new one, you can use plt.clf() or plt.cla() to clear the current figure or axis, respectively. Then, plot the new data and use plt.draw() to update the figure.

How can I pause the loop for a short period of time to see the figure update?

To pause the loop for a short period of time, you can use the time.sleep() function, which takes an argument in seconds. For example, time.sleep(0.5) will pause the loop for 0.5 seconds.

What if I want to display multiple figures in the same loop?

To display multiple figures in the same loop, you can create multiple figure objects using plt.figure() and assign each one a unique number. Then, use to display all the figures at once.

Can I animate the figure instead of updating it in real-time?

Yes, you can animate the figure using the matplotlib animation module. This will create an animation that updates the figure over time, rather than updating it in real-time.

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