Unlocking User Secrets: How to Get Current User Details in Google Sheets using App Scripts
Image by Ysmal - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking User Secrets: How to Get Current User Details in Google Sheets using App Scripts

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Are you tired of not knowing who’s behind the scenes in your Google Sheets? Do you want to track user activity, create custom dashboards, or simply say hello to the person interacting with your spreadsheet? Look no further! In this article, we’ll delve into the mystical world of App Scripts and uncover the secrets of getting current user details in Google Sheets.

Why Do I Need to Get Current User Details?

In an increasingly collaborative world, knowing who’s accessing and editing your Google Sheets is crucial. Here are some reasons why you should get current user details:

  • Audit and tracking**: Keep a record of who made changes to your spreadsheet, when, and what changes were made.

  • Customized experiences**: Greet users by name, or offer personalized content based on their role or department.

  • Enhanced security**: Monitor user activity to detect potential security threats and take prompt action.

  • Better collaboration**: Identify who’s working on a project, and when, to improve teamwork and communication.

Getting Started with App Scripts

Before we dive into the code, make sure you have a basic understanding of App Scripts and its capabilities. If you’re new to App Scripts, here’s a quick primer:

App Scripts is a cloud-based scripting platform that allows you to automate tasks, create custom functions, and integrate Google Sheets with other services.

To access App Scripts in Google Sheets, follow these steps:

  1. Open your Google Sheet.

  2. Click on the Tools menu.

  3. Select Script editor.

The Magic of Session.getActiveUser()

The Session.getActiveUser() method is the key to unlocking user details in App Scripts. This method returns an object containing information about the current user, including their email address, name, and other properties.

function getCurrentUserDetails() {
  var user = Session.getActiveUser();

In this example, the Session.getActiveUser() method returns an object containing the current user’s email address, name, and login ID, which are then logged using the Logger service.

Getting User Details in Google Sheets

Now that we’ve got the user details using Session.getActiveUser(), let’s integrate this information into a Google Sheet.

Create a new sheet with the following columns:

User Email User Name Login ID

Next, create a script that writes the user details to the sheet:

function writeUserDetailsToSheet() {
  var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
  var user = Session.getActiveUser();
  var userDetails = [

In this script, we first get the active sheet using SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet(). Then, we use Session.getActiveUser() to get the user details and store them in an array. Finally, we append the user details to the sheet using sheet.appendRow(userDetails).

Triggering the Script

To automate the process of writing user details to the sheet, we’ll create a trigger that runs the script whenever a user opens the sheet.

Follow these steps to create a trigger:

  1. In the App Scripts editor, click on the Triggers button in the left-hand menu.

  2. Click on the + Create trigger button.

  3. Select On open as the trigger type.

  4. Set the function to run to writeUserDetailsToSheet.

  5. Click Save to save the trigger.

Security and Permissions

When working with user details, it’s essential to ensure that your script adheres to Google’s security and permission guidelines.

Here are some best practices to keep in mind:

  • Always use the Session.getActiveUser() method to get user details, as it provides a secure way to access user information.

  • Limit access to user details to authorized personnel only.

  • Use data encryption and secure storage to protect sensitive user information.

  • Comply with Google’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.


In this article, we’ve explored the world of App Scripts and unlocked the secrets of getting current user details in Google Sheets. By using the Session.getActiveUser() method and integrating it with a Google Sheet, you can track user activity, create custom dashboards, and enhance collaboration.

Remember to follow best practices for security and permissions, and always keep your script up-to-date with the latest App Scripts features and guidelines.

Happy coding, and don’t forget to say hello to your users!

Note: This article is SEO optimized for the keyword “How to get current user details in google sheets using app scripts” and includes relevant tags, header tags, and formatting to improve readability. However, please ensure that you test and validate the code and script provided in this article before implementing it in your production environment.

Frequently Asked Question

Get to know the secrets of unlocking current user details in Google Sheets using App Scripts!

Q1: How can I get the current user’s email address in Google Sheets using App Scripts?

You can use the `Session.getActiveUser().getEmail()` method to get the current user’s email address. This method returns the email address of the user who is currently running the script.

Q2: Can I get the current user’s name in Google Sheets using App Scripts?

Yes, you can! Use the `Session.getActiveUser().getName()` method to get the current user’s full name. This method returns the full name of the user who is currently running the script.

Q3: How can I get the current user’s locale in Google Sheets using App Scripts?

You can use the `Session.getActiveUserLocale()` method to get the current user’s locale. This method returns the locale of the user who is currently running the script.

Q4: Can I use the ` PropertiesService` to get current user details in Google Sheets using App Scripts?

Yes, you can! The `PropertiesService` allows you to store and retrieve user properties. You can use the `PropertiesService.getUserProperties()` method to get the current user’s properties, such as their email address, name, and locale.

Q5: Are there any limitations to getting current user details in Google Sheets using App Scripts?

Yes, there are some limitations. For example, if the script is running under a service account or anonymously, the `Session.getActiveUser()` method will not return the current user’s details. Additionally, some methods may not work in certain situations, such as when the script is running in a web app or add-on.

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