Autosys Command Job Not Triggering Teradata BTEQ Script? Here’s the Fix!
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Autosys Command Job Not Triggering Teradata BTEQ Script? Here’s the Fix!

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Are you stuck in a situation where your Autosys command job refuses to trigger a Teradata BTEQ script? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the possible reasons and provide step-by-step solutions to get your command job up and running smoothly. Buckle up, and let’s get started!

Understanding the Basics: Autosys Command Job and Teradata BTEQ Script

Before we dive into the troubleshooting process, let’s quickly review the basics. Autosys is a job scheduling tool that automates and manages batch jobs, while Teradata BTEQ (Basic Teradata Query) is a script used to execute SQL queries on a Teradata database.

An Autosys command job is used to execute a BTEQ script, which in turn runs a series of SQL queries on the Teradata database. This integration is crucial for automating complex database operations. However, when the command job fails to trigger the BTEQ script, it can lead to critical delays and errors in your workflow.

Troubleshooting: Why is the Autosys Command Job Not Triggering the Teradata BTEQ Script?

Let’s explore the common reasons behind this issue and their solutions:

Reason 1: Incorrect File Path or Permissions

Ensure that the BTEQ script file is located in the correct directory and has the necessary permissions. Check if the Autosys job is pointing to the correct file path.

File path: /usr/local/autosys/jobs/bteq_scripts/my_script.bteq

Verify that the Autosys job owner has execute permissions on the script file:

chmod 755 /usr/local/autosys/jobs/bteq_scripts/my_script.bteq

Reason 2: Autosys Job Configuration Issues

Review the Autosys job configuration to ensure that it is correctly set up to execute the BTEQ script:

Parameter Value
Job Type Command
Command bteq script_name
Working Directory /usr/local/autosys/jobs/bteq_scripts

Verify that the job is correctly scheduled and has the necessary dependencies:

job: my_job
job_type: command
command: bteq my_script.bteq
working_directory: /usr/local/autosys/jobs/bteq_scripts

Reason 3: Teradata BTEQ Script Errors

Review the BTEQ script for any syntax errors or invalid commands:

RUN FILE = my_script.sql

Ensure that the script is correctly formatted and has the necessary .LOGON and .LOGOFF statements:

RUN FILE = my_script.sql

Reason 4: Network Connectivity Issues

Verify that the Autosys job can connect to the Teradata database:

telnet 1025

If the connection fails, check the network configuration and ensure that the necessary firewall rules are in place.

Reason 5: Autosys Agent Configuration Issues

Review the Autosys agent configuration to ensure that it is correctly set up to execute the command job:

agent_name: my_agent
agent_type: command

Verify that the agent is correctly configured to execute the BTEQ script:

agent_dependency: my_job

Solution: Step-by-Step Guide to Fix the Autosys Command Job

Follow these steps to fix the Autosys command job and trigger the Teradata BTEQ script:

  1. Stop the Autosys job using the following command:

    sendevent -E STOP -j my_job

  2. Verify the file path and permissions of the BTEQ script:

    ls -l /usr/local/autosys/jobs/bteq_scripts/my_script.bteq

  3. Update the Autosys job configuration to point to the correct file path:

    jde modify_job -j my_job -c "command=bteq /usr/local/autosys/jobs/bteq_scripts/my_script.bteq"

  4. Verify the Teradata BTEQ script for any syntax errors:

    bteq -f my_script.bteq

  5. Update the BTEQ script to include the necessary .LOGON and .LOGOFF statements:

    RUN FILE = my_script.sql
    EXIT 0

  6. Verify the network connectivity to the Teradata database:

    telnet 1025

  7. Start the Autosys job using the following command:

    sendevent -E START -j my_job


In this article, we’ve covered the common reasons behind the Autosys command job not triggering the Teradata BTEQ script. By following the step-by-step guide and troubleshooting tips, you should be able to resolve the issue and get your command job up and running smoothly. Remember to double-check the file path, permissions, and script syntax to avoid any errors. Happy troubleshooting!

Additional Resources

For further assistance, refer to the following resources:

We hope this article has been helpful in resolving the Autosys command job issue. If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to ask in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Question

Hey there, Autosys and Teradata enthusiasts! Are you stuck with an Autosys command job that refuses to trigger your Teradata BTEQ script? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you troubleshoot and resolve the issue.

Q1: Is the Autosys job configuration correct?

A1: Double-check the job configuration in Autosys to ensure that the command job is correctly defined, and the Teradata BTEQ script is specified as the command. Verify that the script path, username, and password are correct.

Q2: Are the Teradata BTEQ script permissions correct?

A2: Ensure that the Teradata BTEQ script has the correct permissions and ownership. The Autosys job should have execute permissions on the script, and the script should be owned by the correct user.

Q3: Is the Autosys agent configured correctly?

A3: Verify that the Autosys agent is correctly configured to run the command job. Check the agent status, ensure it’s running, and review the agent logs for any errors.

Q4: Are there any firewall or network issues?

A4: Check for any firewall or network issues that might be blocking the Autosys job from triggering the Teradata BTEQ script. Ensure that the required ports are open, and the network connection is stable.

Q5: Have you checked the Autosys and Teradata logs?

A5: Review the Autosys and Teradata logs to identify any error messages or exceptions that might indicate the cause of the issue. This can help you pinpoint the problem and take corrective action.