(BigQuery) Unwanted Field is Created When Trying to Create Dynamic Fields in ARRAY_STRUCT: A Comprehensive Guide
Image by Ysmal - hkhazo.biz.id

(BigQuery) Unwanted Field is Created When Trying to Create Dynamic Fields in ARRAY_STRUCT: A Comprehensive Guide

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Are you tired of dealing with unwanted fields in your BigQuery tables when trying to create dynamic fields in ARRAY_STRUCT? You’re not alone! This frustrating issue has been puzzling many BigQuery users for a long time. But fear not, dear reader, for we have got you covered. In this article, we’ll delve into the world of BigQuery and explore the reasons behind this issue, as well as provide you with practical solutions to overcome it.

What is ARRAY_STRUCT and Why Do We Need It?

Before we dive into the problem at hand, let’s take a step back and understand what ARRAY_STRUCT is and why it’s an essential component in BigQuery.

ARRAY_STRUCT is a data type in BigQuery that allows you to store structured data in an array. It’s a powerful feature that enables you to store complex data structures, such as arrays of structs, in a single column. This makes it easy to query and analyze complex data sets.

In real-world scenarios, ARRAY_STRUCT is particularly useful when dealing with data that has varying structures. For instance, imagine you’re working with customer data, and each customer has a different number of orders. With ARRAY_STRUCT, you can store each order as a separate struct within an array, making it easy to query and analyze customer behavior.

The Problem: Unwanted Fields in ARRAY_STRUCT

Now that we’ve established the importance of ARRAY_STRUCT, let’s talk about the problem at hand. When trying to create dynamic fields in ARRAY_STRUCT, you may have noticed that BigQuery creates unwanted fields. These unwanted fields can lead to data inconsistencies, query errors, and even data loss.

So, what causes these unwanted fields to appear? The main reason is due to the way BigQuery handles NULL values in ARRAY_STRUCT. When you try to create a dynamic field in an ARRAY_STRUCT, BigQuery defaults to creating a field with a NULL value. This can lead to unwanted fields being created, especially when working with large data sets.

Why Do Unwanted Fields Appear in ARRAY_STRUCT?

To understand why unwanted fields appear in ARRAY_STRUCT, let’s take a closer look at how BigQuery handles NULL values.

In BigQuery, when you create an ARRAY_STRUCT, each field within the struct is initialized with a NULL value. This is a default behavior that helps BigQuery to optimize storage and improve query performance.

However, when you try to create a dynamic field in an ARRAY_STRUCT, BigQuery may create an unwanted field with a NULL value. This can happen when:

  • The field doesn’t exist in the struct
  • The field is not explicitly defined
  • The field is defined with a NULL value

These unwanted fields can lead to data inconsistencies, making it difficult to query and analyze your data.

Solutions to Overcome Unwanted Fields in ARRAY_STRUCT

Now that we’ve identified the problem, let’s explore some practical solutions to overcome unwanted fields in ARRAY_STRUCT.

Solution 1: Use the IGNORE NULLS Keyword

One way to prevent unwanted fields from being created is to use the IGNORE NULLS keyword when creating your ARRAY_STRUCT. This keyword tells BigQuery to ignore NULL values when creating the array.

CREATE TABLE my_table (
  id INT64,
  orders ARRAY STRUCT (
    order_id INT64,
    order_date DATE

By using IGNORE NULLS, you can ensure that only fields with non-NULL values are created in the ARRAY_STRUCT.

Solution 2: Use the STRUCT Keyword with Non-NULL Values

Another way to prevent unwanted fields is to use the STRUCT keyword with non-NULL values. This ensures that only fields with explicit values are created in the ARRAY_STRUCT.

CREATE TABLE my_table (
  id INT64,
  orders ARRAY STRUCT (
    order_id INT64,
    order_date DATE

INSERT INTO my_table (id, orders)
    STRUCT(1, '2022-01-01'),
    STRUCT(2, '2022-01-15'),
    STRUCT(3, '2022-02-01')

By using the STRUCT keyword with non-NULL values, you can ensure that only fields with explicit values are created in the ARRAY_STRUCT.

Solution 3: Use a Temporary Table to Clean Up Unwanted Fields

In some cases, you may need to clean up unwanted fields from an existing ARRAY_STRUCT. One way to do this is to create a temporary table and use the UNNEST function to extract the fields.

  UNNEST(orders) AS order

  )) AS orders

By using a temporary table and the UNNEST function, you can clean up unwanted fields from an existing ARRAY_STRUCT.

Best Practices for Working with ARRAY_STRUCT in BigQuery

Now that we’ve covered solutions to overcome unwanted fields in ARRAY_STRUCT, let’s take a look at some best practices for working with ARRAY_STRUCT in BigQuery.

  1. Define explicit field names and data types: When creating an ARRAY_STRUCT, define explicit field names and data types to avoid unwanted fields.
  2. Use the IGNORE NULLS keyword: Use the IGNORE NULLS keyword to prevent unwanted fields from being created with NULL values.
  3. Use the STRUCT keyword with non-NULL values: Use the STRUCT keyword with non-NULL values to ensure that only fields with explicit values are created in the ARRAY_STRUCT.
  4. Avoid using SELECT \*: Avoid using SELECT \* when querying an ARRAY_STRUCT, as this can lead to unwanted fields being included in the result set.
  5. Use the UNNEST function to clean up unwanted fields: Use the UNNEST function to clean up unwanted fields from an existing ARRAY_STRUCT.

By following these best practices, you can ensure that your ARRAY_STRUCTs are clean, consistent, and easy to work with.


In this article, we’ve explored the problem of unwanted fields in ARRAY_STRUCT and provided practical solutions to overcome it. We’ve also covered best practices for working with ARRAY_STRUCT in BigQuery.

By following the solutions and best practices outlined in this article, you can ensure that your BigQuery tables are clean, consistent, and easy to query. Remember to always define explicit field names and data types, use the IGNORE NULLS keyword, and clean up unwanted fields using the UNNEST function.

With these tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to mastering ARRAY_STRUCT in BigQuery and unlocking the full potential of your data.

Keywords Description
ARRAY_STRUCT A data type in BigQuery that allows you to store structured data in an array.
IGNORE NULLS A keyword that tells BigQuery to ignore NULL values when creating an ARRAY_STRUCT.
STRUCT A keyword used to define a structured data type in BigQuery.
UNNEST A function used to extract fields from an ARRAY_STRUCT.

We hope you found this article informative and helpful. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Frequently Asked Question

Get to the bottom of the mystery of unwanted fields in BigQuery’s ARRAY_STRUCT!

Why is BigQuery creating an unwanted field when I try to create dynamic fields in ARRAY_STRUCT?

When you use the ARRAY_STRUCT function in BigQuery, it automatically creates a default field named ‘f0’ if you don’t specify a field name. This default field is the culprit behind the unwanted field. To avoid this, make sure to specify a field name for each dynamic field.

How do I specify a field name for dynamic fields in ARRAY_STRUCT?

To specify a field name, you need to use the STRUCT function instead of ARRAY_STRUCT. The STRUCT function allows you to define the field names explicitly. For example, you can use `ARRAY(STRUCT(‘column1’ AS field1, ‘column2’ AS field2))` to create an array of structs with dynamic field names.

What if I have a large number of dynamic fields? Is there a way to avoid listing them all out?

Yes, you can use the `SELECT AS STRUCT` syntax to create a struct with dynamic field names. This method allows you to select multiple columns and create a struct with field names based on the column names. For example, `SELECT AS STRUCT * FROM (SELECT column1, column2, …) AS t` creates a struct with dynamic field names based on the column names.

Can I use a UDF (User-Defined Function) to create dynamic fields in BigQuery?

Yes, you can create a UDF to generate dynamic fields in BigQuery. A UDF can take an array of values and return a struct with dynamic field names. For example, you can create a UDF that takes an array of column names and returns a struct with those column names as field names.

Is there a performance impact when using dynamic fields in BigQuery?

Yes, using dynamic fields in BigQuery can have a performance impact, especially when dealing with large datasets. This is because BigQuery needs to perform additional processing to handle the dynamic field names. To minimize the impact, make sure to optimize your queries and consider using materialized views or caching to improve performance.